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Here is a smattering of resources I find helpful in researching the apartment space:

CBRE cap rate surveys:

U.S. Cap Rate Survey Special Report 2020
The COVID-related decline in investment sales and disruption to net operating income for many properties have created challenges in assessing average capitalization rates. To best ensure accuracy, hotels were excluded from this survey and retail cap rates were collected only for grocery-anchored pro

Daily multihousing news/transaction flow:

Multifamily Real Estate News | MultiHousing News
Multi-Housing News provides the multifamily housing industry with news, information and analysis to help them run their real estate businesses more efficiently

National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC)

NMHC is the place where the leaders of the apartment industry come together to guide their future success. With the industry’s most prominent and creative leaders at the helm, NMHC provides a forum for insight, advocacy and action that enable both members and the communities they build to thrive.

Yardi Matrix multifamily reports:

[2020] Commercial Real Estate Market Trends and Forecasts | Yardi Matrix

Demographic Data

New York City Metro Area Population 1950-2020
Chart and table of population level and growth rate for the New York City metro area from 1950 to 2020. United Nations population projections are also included through the year 2035.

IRR Calculator

Internal Rate of Return Calculator
Calculate the IRR (Internal Rate of Return) of an investment with an unlimited number of cash flows.


Company Earnings Transcripts
